I just want to mention a few things, in case you care, thing that i highly doubt!
Even still... this are the news...
*I made a page, in case you didnt notice previously on my page. called Super Snake's Lab, if you want to know who the hell Super Snake is, look back at one of my older posts, there i wrote everything about him, ok ok, not everything but pretty much!
*Im getting the hang of Photoshop, and also I am starting each time to draw Naruto better and better, Naruto , as Sonic, are made just for practice. So I really dont claim that those characters, (perhaps poses) are mine, but Super Snake, The Dropeths, The Fist and The HeartBreaked, are fully mine, so please dont fucking copy, >:(.
*On the Cons, I havent learn a thing about Adobe CS3 Flash, so please, if you know about any free tutorial please let me know!
*I have already bought Adobe Master Collection CS3! , along with some drawing tools on the PC like this ONE!
Isnt awesome?, all this in just... like 3-4 weeks... perhaps... well and for the finale, i would post a Drawing I just made. Enjoy.
*Oh, and like always, if you want any drawing that you cannot make, or want to color something like i did here... please PM me, and I will gladly FREELY make that drawing for you! What can you lose?!
BTW HE (the drawing ) is supposed to be me :D
I hate having almost no comments :'(