One day I will become Pro Animator, and it will be just because of me, that day, all my loneliness wont be in vain.That day, my path wont be dark anymore, That day, is still far away. Until then I won´t give up on being Animator, NO MATTER WHAT!

Age 31, Male


Laredo Tx.

Joined on 11/13/07

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1,700 / 1,880
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HAVT's News

Posted by HAVT - September 10th, 2008

I just want to mention a few things, in case you care, thing that i highly doubt!
Even still... this are the news...
*I made a page, in case you didnt notice previously on my page. called Super Snake's Lab, if you want to know who the hell Super Snake is, look back at one of my older posts, there i wrote everything about him, ok ok, not everything but pretty much!
*Im getting the hang of Photoshop, and also I am starting each time to draw Naruto better and better, Naruto , as Sonic, are made just for practice. So I really dont claim that those characters, (perhaps poses) are mine, but Super Snake, The Dropeths, The Fist and The HeartBreaked, are fully mine, so please dont fucking copy, >:(.
*On the Cons, I havent learn a thing about Adobe CS3 Flash, so please, if you know about any free tutorial please let me know!
*I have already bought Adobe Master Collection CS3! , along with some drawing tools on the PC like this ONE!
Isnt awesome?, all this in just... like 3-4 weeks... perhaps... well and for the finale, i would post a Drawing I just made. Enjoy.
*Oh, and like always, if you want any drawing that you cannot make, or want to color something like i did here... please PM me, and I will gladly FREELY make that drawing for you! What can you lose?!
BTW HE (the drawing ) is supposed to be me :D

How are you Doing guys?

Posted by HAVT - August 27th, 2008

This time this videos are from Adam Phillips, A.K.A. Chluaid.
dont be lazy they just last 15 seconds

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Oh and finally a image i made i realy hope you can appreciate the details here, and hope you can read it.

Hey!!! More funny videos!! And New Picture

Posted by HAVT - August 20th, 2008

Well this is just one image i made , well, not made, "modified" today, i hope you like it :D

Narucats! LOL

Posted by HAVT - August 9th, 2008

This is important, watch them in order.

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Posted by HAVT - July 21st, 2008

So Lately i have just played videogames cause i am on vacations :3
i havent had many advance on the artist side, but much on gamer side, and today i am bored, so i thought i could be nice to start thinking about future creations, mostly about the FastFeet Race, if you dont remember that will be a flash where 4 of the fastest creatures on earth will race against them, starring Naruto, Sonic, Bitey and XLR8 and other characters from the series. Well, back to the questionary,

1.- What songs would you like to hear from Sonic ´s Naruto´s and Ben 10´s Soundtrack?

2.- Do you know where to download Bitey´s Soudtrack?

3.- Who would you like to win? Note: Naruto won´t be at normal self, will be as Four-Tailed self.

4.- What places do you want them to race on? What Tracks? Note: Can be from any Well-known videogame, or a Standard stereotype, Example: Desert, Mountains, Ricco Harbor, Liberty City, Mute City. (As you have seen, mostly nintendo videogames).

5.- What do you think about it? You like the idea? You consider that a character should be added or removed? I would gladly hear your opinnion :)

Well , you can answer through PM or Comment, I prefer, that you answer on comments, thank you.
and now, some cool videos about them.
Thank the artist for the tributes, you can watch them also on youtube.

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Posted by HAVT - June 23rd, 2008

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Here is a video that I want to share with you guys, its kinda funny, and in case you dont know, here are the voice actors of the Simpsons


Simpsons Voice Actors

Posted by HAVT - June 13th, 2008

Look, here is a drawing that i have put a lot of effort in like 3 weeks, i wanted to make a better backgrounds, but i dont figure out how to do it, i mean, i cant imagine a cool backgrounds image, forgive me about that :'(, but well about the idea, this is a idea that i plan to make a reality, a flash movie, A NG LEGACY!, but for doing that, first i need to become a pro animator, and that is going to take a very very very very very, VERY long time, as for now, i just going to make images for your amusement :), and I am still reading all of your comments, if I dont respond is because i didnt though of something smart to write, but anyway, WRITE A COMMENT,well related to the new post.

Good Bye!


PS: The image is on a better quality, so if you´d like to see it in HD,(LOL) please send me you hotmail, and i would glladly send you the image, i know that nobody would want that, but I have to try, right?

Was it worth it?

Posted by HAVT - June 12th, 2008

I know its too late, but i dont care!!!, there you go...


Another Pico Art :P

Posted by HAVT - June 1st, 2008

Well, when i uploaded my submission for the art contest i was on a rush, thats why instead of coloring it i put shadows, but well, i made this image, a better image, i am going to put it on the next art contest, wadda you think?

PicoDay Late Art submission

Posted by HAVT - May 10th, 2008

Yes, the most important characted of mine is a comical superheroe adventurer, Super Snake (or for short and the way I always use it, S.S.) this character was made years ago, when I had like 6 years old, since then, I have been creating comics, making his appearence cooler, creating his history and more things.
Important facts to remember... Has : 35 years old, (I know i should have made him younger, but his sons wouldnt fit in) He is a genious, scientist, his mechanical tail contain mutliple useful and convenient gadgets, the quantity remains unknown, (is infinite, after all is a cartoon), from his hands he can shoot beams (just as Iron-man, but instead of blue ones, yellowish ones, Note: I didnt copy from Iron-man, in fact i didnt even know he existed) His boost boots (with help of his mechanized tail) can send him fly high, his belt is just to help him carry the tail.
He have a SuperMode, but i am thinking rather not, because it would be very similar to Sonic´s (SEGA´S mascot)
He has 4 sons (thats when the age problem begun...) the oldest is a teenager of 15 years old, then a
kinda kid with 12 years old (starting to be a teenage) the middle one is just 10, and the youngest son is an infant of 3 years old, (why him, you must be thinking,or if you werent you must be thinking "Not Really" but his appearance was made because I wanted to make a reason why S.S.´s wife never was seen , and also, for making S.S.´s more vunerable, just to rob the kid is going to make SS to fall into a trap by some villain)
As the Mexican Flag says, One of the natural snakes´depradator is the eagle, so one of the most used villains is Falcon X, another bad guy is Dark S.S. whom is just like a cocroach, never dies, even when you though he was dead, he rencarnates, Then comes the 5 Evil Elements, Water, Wind, Rock, Fire, and Thunder, they all may come separate, but more often combined, and there is the strongest bad guy, its a weird evolving alien, that can turn into his normal form or just the human-based form.
There are still many secrets about S.S.´s past, like, how he became a heroe, how he met his wife, the creation of the villians, and so on, you may think i am just lazy and didnt want to think about it, but i did, (well in some parts)
well like always, I know that almost no one cares about what I do or write, but Im writing all, so you can tell me please, if it is a good story, if the character´s suit is well made, and well, I beg you not offensive comments, but I accept comments that are honest, but be respectful...
Well Thanks for watching all of above, commenting, and TOO MUCH THANKS FOR WATCHING MY NG PAGE, Please if anybody visits here, write a comment PLEASE!!!!!!!!
Well, until next time.
**H.A.V.T. To0N MaKeR**
I will try to respond every comment :D

Super Snake, Character Bio